TomoSonic is designed to process Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) data and help you identify bridge shaft defects in real time.

TomoSonic includes six modules for CSL tomographic imaging.  Time Picker is designed to pick traveltimes from CSL waveform data automatically or manually.  Model Builder helps you create synthetic bridge shafts and perform synthetic experiments for studying imaging problems.  After creating a bridge shaft model, you can apply Raytracing module to generate synthetic CSL traveltimes, and then apply Tomography to reconstruct the image.  Tomography module is designed for solving both 2D and 3D imaging problems, zero-offset or nonzero-offset data.  Tomography module sets up all the required parameters internally, unless users prefer some other choices.  Therefore, this is an automatic tomography approach with minimum user interference.

TomoSonic is designed for Windows. Pile Dynamics Inc. is the exclusive distributor of the software product.